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Second Opinions

The Education Consumers Consultants Network is a partnership of experienced scholars and educators committed to the interests of education’s consumers - i.e., parents, taxpayers, and policymakers. It is affiliated with the Education Consumers ClearingHouse, a grassroots “Consumers Union” (publisher of Consumer Reports) for the consumers of public education. Just as there are law firms specializing in corporate law or consumer law, the Network specializes in serving the interests of education’s consumers.

Our primary service is to provide Second Opinions to non-educators who are asked to approve or endorse an educational policy, plan, reform, innovation, etc. about which they feel inadequately informed. Our consultants examine the pros and cons of the proposal from the standpoint of how well it serves the client’s objectives.

You may obtain a Second Opinion by contacting the Education Consumers Foundation (we can help you identify the right expert for your issue) or by directly contacting a member of our Consultants Network. Depending on your needs, a Second Opinion may take the form of an e-mail, telephone call, written report (click here for examples), or formal testimony.

Fees for research and professional services are negotiated directly with the individual consultant.


 Search This Site

Announcement of 2007 Value-Added Achievement Award Winners (May 7, 2007) – Schools honored by the 2007 ECF Value-Added Achievement Awards for excelling in the basics.

School Achievement Data Goes Public (April 10, 2007) – New online tool gives consumers an easy way to gauge school performance.


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