Groff, P.
(1987). Private
sector alternatives for preventing reading failure,
Washington, DC: National
Advisory Council on Educational Research and Improvement.
Editor's note:
Chapters IV-VI contain outdated names,
addresses, and references, and therefore were
Sector Alternatives for Preventing Reading Failure
A directory
of national organizations providing a rationale
for their need;
assessment of the professional training they provide
for prospective or inservice teachers of reading
By Patrick Groff
Professor of
San Diego State
The major purpose of the present study
is to identify and describe private sector organizations
that presently provide training for prospective
teachers of reading. The organizations are private
enterprises, either of a profit or nonprofit makeup,
that receive no direct public tax monies for the
conduct of their operations. Brief profiles of
the workings of each of these organizations are
The study describes the monopoly over the
training of reading teachers that currently is
held by college and university departments of
education. It depicts several of the unfortunate
educational consequences of this monopoly. It
explains, for example, how future teachers of
reading have not received the kind of training
that best prepares them to conduct this instruction.
In this regard, the lack of competition to departments
of education in the training of reading teachers
has resulted in the perpetuation of many "myths
of reading instruction" (Groff, 1987). This monopoly
undoubtedly has contributed to the crisis in the
development of literacy that the nation now experiences.
A reasonable and readily available alternative
to departments of education in the training of
reading teachers is the body of private sector
organizations that offer this service. Profiles
of 27 of these private sector organizations are
presented. These descriptions of their programs
of instruction give details regarding the cost,
length, materials, content, and methods of their
instruction to reading teachers.
This study also presents examples of the
successes that private sector organizations that
train reading teachers have had in this enterprise.
This record of accomplishment includes statistical
data from experimental studies. Several private
sector organizations offer prima facie
evidence of the success of their operations: they
have served their clients satisfactorily for many
years. These organizations also use methods of
teaching word recognition that appear to be superior
to those used in department of education courses
in reading instruction.
The primary justification for the present
study is the emergency in the development of literacy
that our country currently faces. The study describes
the extent of this critical failure of our educational
system and the immense costs in terms of human
development and productivity and national prestige
it has exacted.
The efforts that have been made, so far,
by government agencies, business and industry,
and foundations to stimulate improvements in the
quality of instruction in literacy are explained.
It is demonstrated, however, that these actions,
although commendable, have not dealt with one
of the root causes of the inadequate cultivation
of literacy skills by our schools: the monopoly
in the training of reading teachers held by college
and university departments of education. This
study suggests that until this monopoly is broken,
that is, until private sector organizations that
train reading teachers are allowed to compete
with departments of education for the delivery
of this educational service, the improvement of
literacy in our nation will continue to be handicapped.
This conclusion is based, fundamentally,
on the fact that monopoly practices result in
socially unacceptable behavior by those who enjoy
such an exclusive privilege, whether they be in
business or industry, education, or government.
History dramatically illustrates that when competition
is curbed, so as to favor a given group, and so
that equality of opportunity is denied certain
of those seeking employment or commercial or entrepreneurial
opportunities, product quality suffers, costs
rise, productivity slackens, and service deteriorates.
The many laws and government agencies that have
been established in America to prevent monopoly
practice attest to the nation's dedication to
discourage anybody from obtaining rights that
empower him or her to decide who can or cannot
compete for jobs or for sales of products or services.
In conclusion, this study makes the argument
that the regulations and laws that now entitle
government agencies to reject out of hand the
training given by private sector organizations
to educate reading teachers are contrary to the
nation's basic principles of fair play and equal
opportunity in the educational marketplace. These
rules and legislation should be changed, the study
maintains, so that private sector training can
be acceptable by the agencies that license teachers.
Such a reform in credentialing laws would create
competition between private sector organizations
and departments of education for the training
of teachers, and in the long run improve the quality
of service they both offer.
The Monopoly
in the Training of Teachers
there always has been some private sector education
of reading teachers, the training of these teachers
for many years has been conducted almost exclusively
by colleges and universities. The formal preparation
of reading teachers in which teaching was explained
as a body of pedagogical principles began in what
were called "normal schools." These were teacher
training institutions, started in 1839 (Borrowman,
1965), that offered a two-year or less course
of study.
Normal schools stressed the development
of craftsmanship in the classroom management of
school subjects, including reading, rather than
in the study of academic subject matter. Students
in normal schools were trained to teach a prescribed
reading curriculum through the use of textbooks
and methodologies selected by the educational
experts of the time.
By the turn of the century, normal
schools began to offer a four-year curriculum
that included academic subject matter. These newly
formed "state teachers' colleges," as they now
were called, awarded bachelor's degrees. For example,
in 1890, the Albany, NY, Normal School made such
changes. The transition from normal schools to
state teachers' colleges expanded rapidly from
1900 to 1926 (Harper, 1939). By the middle 1950's
almost all state teachers' colleges had been redesignated
as state colleges and later as state universities.
Paralleling the
changeover from normal schools to state teachers'
colleges was the growing acceptance of the study
of teaching as a legitimate academic department
at established and leading colleges and universities.
This increased acceptance of pedagogy as a genuine
academic subject matter brought with it growing
controls by college and university departments
of education over the preparation of reading teachers.
To affect this control, a cooperative network
of education professors, state and federal department
of education officials, textbook publishers, leaders
of teachers' organizations and unions, and local
school district personnel came into being.
Teacher Training
Is Standardized
As aptly described
by Yarington (1978), this association has worked
in a determined fashion to enforce what kind of
instruction in reading methodology teachers would
and would not be offered. For example, state departments
of education ordinarily allow only the kind of
instruction in the teaching of reading offered
at approved college or university departments
of education to be counted toward teacher certification
requirements. The textbooks used in both college
courses in reading instruction and by children
in school classrooms are written by professors
from these approved departments of education.
These same professors also serve as the leaders
of teachers' organizations and write many of the
articles on reading that appear in their journals.
Textbook publishers are willing supporters of
this exclusive arrangement since it brings greater
profits to them than otherwise would be possible.
For example, departments of education recommend
the use of consumable workbooks. These are write-in-once-and-throw-away
materials, which Johnson (1970) calculates constitute
80 percent of the cost of teaching reading the
way that departments of education advocate. Members
of teachers' organizations and local school district
officials make few, if any, negative criticisms
of this interlocking arrangement, seemingly blind
to the inherent conflict of interest such an entanglement
engenders. This is despite the fact that the monopolistic
practices in the preparation of reading teachers
that this syndicate of educational forces has
adopted makes the teaching of reading in schools
more expensive than it should be.
School board
members may be reluctant, however, to interfere
in the operations of this cooperative enterprise
for fear of its reprisal against them at election
time for such interference. In this respect, Lieberman
(1986) claims that school board members often
lose their seats in elections in which they face
teacher union opposition. In any event, it is
reported that many school board members have,
"said that they were disillusioned when they learned
how little authority they had and how difficult
it was to get anything done" (Institute for Educational
Leadership, 1986, p.17). For example, any school
board anywhere will readily attest that at present
it cannot award merit pay to exceptionally able
teachers of reading. School boards currently are
thwarted by teacher unions from giving bonuses
to teachers who are able to learn and to put into
effect the most effective methods of teaching
reading so that their pupils as a consequence
learn to read exceptionally well (Finn, 1985).
A Monopoly Is
The result of
the workings of this "great American reading machine,"
as Yarington (1978) calls it, has been an attempt
to establish a monopoly in the dispensation of
instruction in reading pedagogy by departments
of education in colleges and universities. As
he sees it,
"The Great American
Reading Machine is not a tight institution with
clearly observable boundaries like the American
Bar Association or the American Medical Association
with their review boards, certifying procedures,
and organizational structures. But The Great American
Reading Machine ultimately affects every child
in every school; it causes the illiteracy problem
in the United States. It is a complex contraption
that feeds upon itself: it is self-perpetuating,
inbred, and self-supporting" (p.17).
College students
ordinarily are not allowed at present to enroll
in courses in reading pedagogy unless they agree
beforehand to enter the teacher education programs
at these institutions, it is clear. Courses in
reading instruction offered by private sector
commercial enterprises usually cannot be substituted
for these college department of education courses.
State departments of education commonly refuse
to honor the private sector courses as fulfillment
of the requirements for teaching credentials.
Normally, local school districts will not accept
this private sector coursework as evidence that
their teachers have made the improvement in proficiency
that is used by school districts to award teachers
increases in pay or promotion in job status.
The interlocking
nature of "The Great American Reading Machine"
becomes more impressive when it is displayed graphically:
The Great American
Reading Machine
(Reprinted with
permission from The Great American Reading
by David J. Yarington,
Hayden Book Company, Rochelle Park, NJ, 1978.)
The successful
operation of this system of interdependent educational
bodies is ensured by the fact that reforms in
the preparation of reading teachers by and large
are controlled by institutions of higher education.
It has been argued convincingly, however, that
the decisions that colleges and universities make
in this regard are seldom based essentially on
what is best for the teaching of reading (Lieberman,
1986). Once an institution of higher learning
has been geared up to educate reading teachers
in a certain fashion, it is not likely to willingly
or meekly accept the changes in curriculum, faculty,
and administration that are needed to put into
effect the reforms in the preparation of reading
teachers that the experimental research suggests
are necessary. As Perelman (1985, p.17) correctly
observes, "education's most serious shortcoming
is the studied indifference to productivity in
educational institutions." The result of such
a fault in educational production is, of course,
inefficiency, an alarming rise in costs, and a
lack of desired educational performance.
of the Monopoly
The domination
over teacher education by college departments
of education has led to a tendency among the members
of these departments who teach reading methods
courses to develop arrogant attitudes toward outside
criticism of their practices. As Groff
(1987a) points
out, these professors of reading often appear
unwilling to accept or to respond favorably to
negative analyses of their work made by critics
who are not members of their reading establishment
ingroup. As an example of this in-group attitude,
it is said that over two thirds of the reading
experts who continue to write textbooks on the
teaching of reading reject the well-established
fact that the intensive, systematic early and
direct (code-emphasis) teaching of phonics brings
on the greatest degree of beginning reading achievement
possible (Chall, 1983). In his study of these
textbooks printed in the 1980's Groff (1987b)
found that none of them favored the code-emphasis
principles of synthetic-deductive (isolated phonemes)
teaching of phonics, the de-emphasis of sight
words, configuration cues and context cues, instruction
of a large number of phonics rules, and that children
can infer the correct pronunciation of a word
if they gain its approximate pronunciation through
the application of phonics rules.
Strangely enough,
some of these reading authorities view phonics
teaching as a political issue, claiming that the
advocacy of such instruction is tainted by political
and/or sociological motives of a reactionary nature.
These same professors have risen to positions
of power and influence in teachers' organizations
like the International
Reading Association,
the National Council of Teachers of English, and
the National Education Association. Their anti-phonics
views are reflected in the publications and conventions
of these organizations, where seldom, if ever,
is phonics teaching given any praise.
The non-utilization
of research findings on phonics teaching by these
dominant professors of reading, and their unwillingness
to allow empirical evidence to dictate how future
teachers of reading should be educated, have resulted
in a general lack of any practical effects of
research findings on reading instruction in the
schools. For example, it can be easily demonstrated
that those in the strongest position to influence
the course of reading instruction, the reading
experts who write the basal readers almost all
school children use, do not consistently adopt
the findings of research for this purpose. It
is clear that findings from research have not
been the most compelling force behind changes
that have occurred in basal reading programs (Durkin,
These reading
professors also often claim that there is in fact
no significant degree of illiteracy in the nation.
This statement, along with the distorted nature
of the advice they give to future reading teachers
has confused the courts that have handled the
claims made by parents for legal redress against
school districts for malpractice in the teaching
of reading. So far, with the exceptions of the
Karen Morse case in Henniker, NH, in 1987 and
of a small claims court case in Beaumont, CA,
in 1974, parents have not been able to convince
judges to cite school districts who have failed
to teach their otherwise normal children to learn
to read. The $27,000 Federal Court award to Morse,
who was graduated from her high school although
she was illiterate, has been accepted for payment
by the Henniker, NH, school district. This award
is to be used to pay for instruction to bring
her reading abilities up to specified levels of
competency. Before the Morse case, however, the
courts in general asked, "How can school districts
be held legally responsible for their practices
in reading instruction when the reading professors
who educate their teachers cannot agree as to
how reading should be taught?" It is noticeable,
in any event, that the monopoly in the preparation
of reading teachers now enjoyed by departments
of education has not been significantly challenged
by the courts.
Myths of Reading
Instruction Prevail
These monopolistic
practices bring with them other disadvantageous
side effects. As evidence from the field of economics
would attest, production in monopolies tends to
become sluggish and inefficient. Product quality
inevitably suffers. Costs accelerate. The almost
exclusive control of how the training of reading
teachers shall be conducted by colleges and universities
has proven to be no exception to this rule.
The present monopoly
in the training of reading teachers by college
and university departments of education thus has
had a greater effect on such training than merely
making it difficult to obtain. This seemingly
impregnable authority over teacher education has
led to the perpetuation of practices in reading
instruction that have been discredited by experimental
research findings. A consequence of the heretofore-invulnerable
power over the education of reading teachers by
departments of education has been a group of serious
mistakes in the way teachers have been trained
to carry out reading instruction.
These "myths
of reading instruction," as Groff (1987a) calls
these mistakes, include the unsubstantiated notions
that intensive phonics instruction hinders the
development of children's reading comprehension,
and that English spelling is too unpredictable
for the application of phonics rules to be successful
in the decoding of written words. In this respect,
prospective reading teachers have been incorrectly
led to believe in the existence of "sight words,"
a phenomenon research has effectively discredited,
and that reading is best taught by the sentence
method, i.e., that teaching the use of context
cues is an important aspect of teaching word recognition
skills. In addition, teachers have been instructed
to believe that word length and a knowledge of
letter names are unimportant. It is claimed that
many children can recognize individual words quickly
and accurately (can decode them automatically)
but cannot understand what they have read. Research
finds none of these notions to be true.
On the one hand,
college students in reading courses have been
warned that oral reading is a dangerous practice,
and, on the other hand, that children must attain
a certain score on an oral language test in order
to be able to learn to read. Equally in error
has been the advice to reading teachers that training
in dictionary syllabication aids reading development,
but that sub-vocalization (the movement of the
vocal cords when reading silently) is undesirable
and must be suppressed. Faced with the evidence
that research findings based on standardized test
scores do not corroborate their lengthy list of
inappropriate recommendations, certain influential
professors of reading instruction have argued
that reading is not actually measured by these
standardized tests. They would have teachers believe,
in short, that the sound and meticulous manner
in which these standardized tests have been developed
(Mitchell, 1985) should be ignored.
An inspection
of the way in which training in reading instruction
is delivered by college and university departments
of education thus makes it clear that the almost
total monopoly that they now enjoy in this system
has greater consequences than simply making it
difficult for anyone other than specially designated
college schools to gain information about reading
pedagogy. The absence of significant competition
to the monopolistic manner in which the "great
American reading machine" works permits this syndicate
to perpetuate several ineffective, if not dangerous,
aspects of reading methodology. The shortcomings
in what departments of education teach have become
apparent to leading members of the academic community.
No less a figure than Harvard University President
Derek Bok has chastised departments of education
for failing to come forth with ideas for better
methods of instruction instead of perpetuating
transitory fads and theories (Bok, 1987).
The Effect on
In this respect,
the monopolization of reading instruction in America
described in this discussion has become, and is
now, a significant contributor to the crisis in
literacy development that now engulfs the nation.
The extent of this literacy crisis has been amply
documented. Based on the findings of one of the
studies it has commissioned regarding the extent
of literacy in the nation (Norton, 1986), the
U .S. Department of Education concluded that 23
million of today's Americans are functionally
illiterate. It also concluded that an additional
46 million people read at only minimum competency
levels. This latter group does not have proficient
literacy skills, the U.S. Department of Education
estimated. "America has a serious literacy problem
that must be corrected," says the prestigious
Carnegie Forum on Education (Carnegie Forum, 1986,
if we define literacy as proficiency in the written
language skills involved in communication, computation,
problem solving, and interpersonal relations in
the areas of government and law, health and safety,
occupational knowledge, consumer economics, and
community resources, it is clear that a distressingly
large percent of the ex-students of our schools
have not been well taught how to read (Smith,
et al., 1986). There are more adults with limited
literacy in America than there are students in
all our secondary schools (Perelman, 1985).
In this regard,
the Laubach Literacy International, which sponsors
the nation's largest non-college network of literacy
development programs, analyzed the four most comprehensive
studies of the extent of literacy in the nation
made between 1975 and 1986 (Norton, 1986). Taken
together, these four studies concerning literacy
indicate that the number of American adults with
severely limited reading skills ranges between
17 and 28 million. The true number of these failures
of our present reading instruction system seems
likely to be closer to the latter figure if one
depends on studies that used representative samples
of the entire U.S. population. While there still
remain controversies as to the precise meanings
of "literacy" and "illiteracy" (Smith, et al.,
1986; Kirsch & Jungeblut, 1986) and accordingly
questions as to how to measure literacy, as well
as over the exact number of Americans who fall
into variations of these categories, there is
little disagreement at present that the inability
to read well plagues a vast number of our citizens.
It is doubtlessly
true that limited literacy among our citizens
costs the nation hundreds of billions of dollars
in welfare payments, the consequences of criminal
activities, poor job performance, lost tax revenues,
and remedial education. California Department
of Social Services officials report that 57 percent
of welfare recipients in that state lack the reading
skills necessary for them to find and keep a job
(Los Angeles Times, 1987). (It is noteworthy
that over 56 percent of these recipients have
completed the twelfth grade or higher.) It is
estimated that 75 percent of unemployed adults
in California lack the reading skills necessary
for employers to train them (Johnson, 1987). The
chief executive officer of the Xerox Corporation
notes that American businesses will have to hire
more than a million new workers a year who cannot
read or write adequately. "Teaching them how,
and absorbing the lost productivity while they
are learning, will cost industry $25 billion a
year," he estimates (Kearns, 1986). The business
community takes the literacy crisis so seriously
that it has organized large groups within its
ranks to fight this blight on our nation's economic
growth and development. (See the descriptions
of the Business Council for Effective Literacy
and of Project Literacy U.S. in a following section
of this publication.)
The United States
Congress and the U.S. Department of Education
also have given much attention to the literacy
crisis that presently grips the country. Both
the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have
held many hearings on this compelling and serious
problem. Recently passed by Congress is a law
that will provide for the investigation of basal
reading textbooks which most teachers rely heavily
upon for instructions for teaching children to
read. This legislation will provide funds for
research to determine how effective these textbooks
are in providing instruction for teaching phonics,
and to determine the per school cost of this instruction
(Amendment No. 2202, SB 2444, 1986). The U.S.
Department of Education has recently published
three volumes that comment on the seriousness
of the reading problem in America and what can
be done to help relieve it. The three volumes
are: Becoming a Nation of Readers (Anderson,
et al., 1985); What Works: Research about Teaching
and Learning (Finn, et al., 1986); and First
Lessons (Bennett, 1986). An additional sign
of concern by the Federal government regarding
literacy is the fact that it spent about $350
million in 1985 on adult literacy programs alone
(Kahn, 1986). The federal government's intervention
into the literacy development crisis has been
massive, as McMichael's (1987) study of this effort
What of the Future?
there are indications that the coming generation
of adults may have similar or worse reading problems
than those in the past have had. For example,
the Center for the Book at the Library of Congress
recently reported that 16 percent fewer young
Americans read books in 1984 than did in 1978,
The ability to read well is a key factor in the
motivation to read shown by children. One of the
key findings of the research on how motivational
factors influence children's reading habits is
that motivation to read is a function of expectancy-that
is, if children expect that they could read a
particular book successfully they will be motivated
to read it. The reverse is also true, however.
If they expect they could not read it, they will
avoid that reading material (Wigfield & Asher,
1984). Children who are highly motivated to read
likely assume that their success with reading
materials depends on their reading ability.
That young children
are reading less suggests that they perceive themselves
as not being able to read very well. We must contrast
this distressing fact with the statistic that
by the year 2000 three quarters of all jobs will
involve the creation and processing of some kind
of written knowledge (Perelman, 1985).
As reading test
scores have plummeted there has been a conspicuous
rush to find means to obscure this decline without
admitting its true origin and importance. One
of the ways to effect this illusion is to reduce
the difficulty of reading tests so that more students
can reach their grade-level norms. This maneuver,
however, is much like changing the markings on
the thermometer if the weather is too hot. Another
way, as California has done, is to set up "targets"
of reading accomplishment rather than absolute
test scores as the goals that schools should meet.
Here the reading achievement of the school population
need not reach a certain reading test score for
it to be judged that its
school teaches reading adequately. Now all a given
school need do to reach its "target" is achieve
a score in the upper range of scores for schools
of a similar category based on a composite index
including the education levels of parents, the
English fluency of students, the rate of student
turnover, and the number of school families on
welfare. With this arrangement in place, as long
as schools in a category all teach reading poorly,
no school in that group need fear criticism for
its reading practices. The incentive for schools
to improve the quality of their reading instruction
is likely to be curtailed. In any event, with
this magnanimous notion of reading achievement
in mind it is possible for the California state
superintendent of education to announce that there
is satisfactory reading achievement in 65 percent
of California's schools (Smollar, 1987) regardless
of what the actual reading abilities of their
students are.
The Private Sector
It is clear from
the discussion so far that the distinct monopoly
now possessed by college and university departments
of education is not the ideal manner in which
to train teachers of reading. The task of educating
these teachers obviously cannot be fulfilled satisfactorily
or completely through an arrangement wherein instruction
in reading methodology is dominated so greatly
by a single provider of this service. The noncompetitive
structure that now characterizes this instruction
has proven to be inadequate and not satisfactory
in that: (a) it has made instruction in the teaching
of reading unnecessarily cumbersome to obtain;
(b) it has not entirely fulfilled its promise
to train future teachers of reading effectively;
and (c) it has made the teaching of reading more
costly than it need be.
There is a readily
apparent need, therefore, for the utilization
of alternative approaches to the training of reading
teachers, approaches that would supplement or
supplant the instruction now given by college
and university departments of education, and that
would reduce the cost of reading instruction in
the schools. A self-evident and unmistakable source
of competition for departments of education for
the delivery of training in reading instruction
is private sector, non-tax-supported commercial
Advantages of
Private Sector Training
Private sector
organizations have several inherent advantages
over university departments of education in this
One, to stay
in business, private organizations must constantly
demonstrate that they can successfully deliver
what they promise their customers. Many college
and university departments of education, on the
other hand, are assured of financial support and
maintenance from public tax sources regardless
of the quality of the product they render. (Some
critics have noted that, ironically enough, as
the quality of teacher education declines, departments
of education seek and gain ever greater levels
of funding!) Private sector organizations that
offer training in the teaching of reading thus
have an inner motivation for success that is not
an intrinsic aspect of the teaching systems used
by departments of education.
Two, private
sector organizations must keep the fees they charge
their clients at reasonable levels in order to
attract customers. The imposition of exorbitant
charges by one of these organizations would quickly
drive it from the marketplace.Departments of education,
on the other hand, face no such monetary criterion
in the monopoly they maintain and control. They
therefore need not be sensitive to factors of
cost-effectiveness in their operations. Accordingly,
students (or taxpayers, as the case may be) are
compelled to pay departments of education what
they demand, in short, whatever the market will
Three, private
sector organizations can offer training in the
teaching of reading in a style that is more convenient,
and that can be better tailored to meet the needs
of individual clients. Departments of education,
on the other hand, are restrained by a myriad
of largely self-imposed rules and regulations
that closely govern who can and cannot receive
training in the teaching of reading, and what
kind and how much of this education is required.
Private sector enterprises are not restricted
by any such directives. They can allow their clients
to decide if they will likely benefit from the
program of instruction that is offered.
As would be predicted,
the attitudes of prospective and employed teachers
who seek private sector aid toward learning how
to teach reading are more positive than the attitudes
of those in department of education classes. Members
of the latter group, when queried as to their
satisfaction with department of education coursework,
have consistently voiced their disaffection for
it. In this respect, before 1975, the surveys
of graduates of department of education courses
in reading instruction "have repeatedly shown
that, whatever the reasons, teacher training institutions
have in general failed to provide adequate pre-service
training" (Carroll & Chall, 1975, p. 32).
For example, in 1963 Austin and Morrison (1963)
interviewed over 2,000 such graduates. These teachers
"revealed that their college preparation in reading
had been seriously deficient" (p. 361).
It is clear that
the censure of ineffective department of education
courses in reading instruction has not abated
since 1975 (Bok, 1987). Johnson (1987, p. 19)
notes that "the view is widely held among reading
specialists, educational researchers and seasoned
literacy educators that, as one puts it, 'Too
many elementary teachers simply don't know how
to teach reading'." In department of education
courses they "get only a fleeting introduction
to the knowledge required for teaching reading"
(Anderson, et al., 1985, p. 120) including "the
phonology of English, which provides the foundation
for the teaching of phonics" (p. 106).
It appears to
be common knowledge that many teacher education
programs in universities currently "produce graduates
who complain that their education courses failed
to prepare them for teaching" (Carnegie Forum,
1986, p. 71). In 1984 most teachers gave their
teacher education courses a grade no higher than
"C" (Gallup, 1984). "The bases for such criticism
have increased substantially over the past several
years," say teacher education experts Awender
and Harte (1986, p. 24). "Numerous researchers
have gone so far as to suggest that faculties
of education have, in fact, abdicated their responsibilities
to the clients they serve" (p. 24). An example
of this failure is Pigge's (1978) discovery of
a negative relationship (a coefficient of correlation
of -.20) between what teachers need to learn and
what they are taught in courses in departments
of education. Little wonder that one university
director of teacher education finds these courses
"by any standard of excellence" to be "a dismal
failure" (Watts, 1982, (No.2), p. 39).
On the grounds
of such depressing information about the inefficiencies
of department of education courses in reading
instruction, some critics of this endeavor are
convinced that "there is evidence that universities
are structurally and philosophically incapable
of providing the kind of training that practicing
teachers and school administrators need" (Corbin,
1985, p. 25). Partly to blame for this condition,
Wisniewski (1983,
p. 33) contends, is the fact that schools of education
"still lack a sufficient number of professors
and deans who care enough about the quality of
their calling to demand major reforms in teacher
education." In this regard, an examination of
teacher education in Florida found that in that
state the curricula in departments of education
"looked as it did 40 to 50 years ago" (Chance,
1986, p. 144).
The shortcomings
in the personnel and delivery systems of departments
of education led Saxe and de Lone (1975, p. 327)
to the conclusion that "an effective national
reading effort should bypass the existing education
macrostructure. At a minimum, it should provide
alternatives to that structure. That is, the planning,
implementing, and discretionary powers of budgeting
should not rest with those most likely to have
a vested interest in maintaining the status quo,
especially given their unpromising 'track record'."
This point of view is now reflected by officials
at the federal level. The Deputy Executive Secretary
for the federal Domestic Policy Council believes
that "in order for [reading] reform to become
a reality, regular classroom teachers must be
trained in using effective methods of phonics
instruction, and this training most likely will
have to come from outside the educational establishment"
(Sweet, 1987, p. 2). A sound, proven, and adequate
alternative to the status quo in training for
reading teachers is the private sector provision
of this service.
Four, authorization
of the use of private sector organizations for
the training of reading teachers offers an opportunity
to eliminate one of the systematic structural
problems in teacher education that currently hinders
the implementation of reforms in this system.
This problem is the typical requirements people
must meet in order to be permitted to teach. The
difficulties that beset teacher education could
be remedied, in part at least, if the teacher
education delivery system would follow Assistant
U.S. Secretary of Education Finn's (1987, p. 3)
advice that "the ranks of the education profession
must be opened to permit the entry of more and
different people than have typically been welcomed
in public schools." State licensing should "rely
on a person's demonstrated knowledge, skill and
character," not on accumulated credits and papers
credentials (p. 3). The fact that critics of this
issue find that, "the present teacher certification
system is a catastrophe," (Watts, 1982 (No.4),
p. 37) obviously strengthens Finn's position on
this matter.
If schools followed
Assistant Secretary Finn's wise counsel they would
not concern themselves simply with whether prospective
teachers had passed university department of education
courses in reading instruction. Instead, they
would determine these teacher candidates' demonstrated
knowledge and skills about this teaching and accept
a positive finding in this regard irrespective
of where, when, or how this competence was obtained.
This proposal seems to match the one made by the
Carnegie Forum on Education (1986) for the establishment
of a National Board for Professional Teacher Standards
that would test teachers' competencies and certify
teachers who met its standards to teach in any
state. There is reason to believe that private
sector training in reading instruction could be
competitive with that from departments of education
under these conditions.
Five, it is more
likely that private sector organizations will
make changes in their instruction based on relevant
research findings than will departments of education.
A decision of this nature that could be done overnight
by a private sector organization could take years
to be put into effect by a college or university
department of education. The built-in inhibitors
in departments of education to improvement in
the preparation of reading teachers noted so far
are not normally present in private sector enterprises
that deliver this training.
Six, private
sector organizations that conduct teacher training
in reading instruction recommend materials for
use in reading instruction in schools that are
less costly than the materials that are recommended
for this purpose by departments of education.
For example, the superintendent of schools of
the Seekonk, MA, school district hired a private
sector organization to train his primary-grade
teachers. He reports that the reading materials
these private sector trainers recommended to teach
reading cost about 88 percent less per pupil than
the materials his teachers customarily used, ones
recommended by departments of education (Micciche,
1987). "And all this for a program that worked,
that satisfied the staff and community, that lifted
reading scores to the mid-sixties on standardized
tests, that gave remarkable reading power and
enjoyment to the children," he attests (pp. 8-9).
The principal of the Gallego Elementary School,
Tucson, AZ, notes that by using the teaching materials
recommended by a private sector organization that
trains teachers she was able to realize the same
degree of financial savings and improvement in
pupils' reading scores (Musgrave, 1986). Of these
pupils, 58 percent were minority group members,
many from homes in which English was not the primary
language spoken.
The materials
that private sector organizations usually recommend
for use in the teaching of reading ordinarily
do not require the purchase of consumable, write-in-once-and-throw
away workbooks. Johnson (1970, p. 125) calculates
that those consumable workbooks represent "at
least 80 percent of the annual cost of teaching
reading" in the way departments of education recommend
it be done. The extraordinarily expensive materials
that departments of education recommend be used
to teach reading thus are likely significant contributors
to the remarkable rise in school costs that have
taken place in the last forty years. Educational
Research Associates (1985) reports that between
1950 and 1985 costs for operating schools increased
more than eight times faster than did the rate
of inflation during this time period.
Seven, while
the idea of private sector training for reading
teachers outside the walls of colleges may appear
not to have an appeal to adult learners, there
is evidence to show that, in fact, adults are
easily drawn to this kind of education and readily
become involved in it. Overall, three out of four
participants in this type of learning at present
carry on this education within private sector
organizations (Perelman, 1985). U.S. corporations
spend as much each year initially to train their
employees as is spent by students for tuition
and fees at institutions of higher learning. Later
on-the-job training amounts to up to five times
this amount. It is clear that corporations currently
spend more money on education and involve more
learners than do our colleges and universities.
There is no reason to believe that school districts
should not make the same commitment for the training
of their reading teachers. Legal arrangements
to allow school districts to imitate corporations
in this respect, so that reading teachers needing
improvement could receive free private sector
training, are badly needed.
Need for the
Present Compendium
As has been indicated,
the major purpose of the present publication is
to identify and provide descriptive profiles of
the private sector organizations that now provide
training in the teaching of reading. The need
to publicize brief biographies of these non-tax-supported,
commercial enterprises stems primarily from the
crisis in literacy development that now engulfs
the nation. One way to ameliorate this literacy
crisis is to draw greater attention to the private
sector organizations that presently provide successful
training in the teaching of reading that prevents
reading failure. As noted, the departments of
education that now provide the bulk of this training
obviously are badly in need of healthy competition
from rival sources.
Along with stimulating
a positive reform in the manner in which reading
is taught, competition would also reduce the average
cost of teaching reading in schools. As has been
demonstrated, private sector delivery of this
teacher training can result in significantly lower
costs for reading materials without any loss of
reading achievement by the pupils who use the
Private sector
organizations also are more likely to instruct
teachers to use methods of teaching that research
shows develop superior word recognition abilities,
and hence, comprehension in children and older
learners. It can be reasonably argued, therefore,
that tax monies coming to school districts, to
be spent by them, to subsidize the cost of private
sector training for their reading teachers is
a wiser use of these funds than is made of tax
monies by departments of education. Contracting
for special services with private sector companies
is not a new or unusual practice by school boards.
Many school boards today contract with private
sector businesses for services for student transportation,
food, testing, data processing, legal advice,
and several other matters.
The list of 27
private sector organizations that train reading
teachers is needed since no other inventory of
its kind exists. Many public and private school
teachers and the general public are unaware of
the existence of these organizations and the nature
of their offerings in teacher education. During
the conduct of this study, which led to the identification
of these organizations, it became clear that even
state and federal department of education officials
were ignorant of their existence. A common answer
from such officials to my query as to whether
they knew of any independent, non-tax-supported
organization anywhere that provided training in
how to teach reading was, "No, I do not."
Some state officials
wrongly maintain that the only means for preparation
of reading teachers is coursework in a university
or college department of education. The slowness
with which information about private sector organizations
that train teachers of reading comes to such officials'
awareness seems exemplified by the Virginia case.
State department of education officials in Virginia
indicated to me they know of no such organization
in their state. Previous to this time, however,
the Virginia Superintendent of Public Instruction
had congratulated the director of the Sing, Spell,
Read and Write program for the successes of her
program in Virginia school districts and jails
(Davis, 1986). The need for private sector organizations
to make themselves well known to all levels of
state and federal department of education officialdom
thus is readily apparent.
The dissemination
of the following compendium of profiles of 27
private sector organizations that offer training
to reading teachers can help improve the awareness
of these officials in this respect. This compendium
will also help apprise teachers, school administrators,
schools boards, and the general public of the
availability of and the opportunity to gain this
training. Moreover, this compendium makes available
information about the advantages and benefits
that these organizations provide for substantially
improving the acquisition of reading skills, as
well as information about the cost- effectiveness
of these services.
Competition Is
Although the
present discussion has been negatively critical
of departments of education in our colleges and
universities, it is not the goal of this discussion
to try to abolish the functions of these departments.
There are those who would "remove all education
courses from all certification requirements, and
close down departments and schools of education"
(Damerell, 1985, p. 284). Some universities have
discontinued their departments of education. Such
a radical reform is both highly unlikely to occur
on a broad scale, however, and is essentially
unwarranted (Bok, 1987). There is room in America
for the training of reading teachers by both departments
of education in our colleges and universities
and by private sector organizations. In fact,
competition between these two groups will improve
the quality of service they each offer, and reduce
costs to the taxpayer.
As the use of
private sector sources for this training of teachers
grows, departments of education will be stimulated
from the force of this competition to make needed
changes consistent with the findings of research
in how to train reading teachers, and will become
more cost-effective. A swelling rivalry between
private sector organizations and departments of
reading instruction in training of reading teachers
will help defuse the illiteracy bomb that now
threatens the nation-while at the same time saving
money for our schools.
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following list of conclusions from academic surveys
of what the experimental research says about the
significance of phonics in the acquisition of
reading is a representative sample of such reviews.
A comprehensive collection of over 125 of these
reviews is found in P. Groff (1987). Preventing
Reading Failure: An Examination of the Myths of
Reading Instruction. Portland, OR: National
reviews of the empirical research on the place
of phonics in reading development give overwhelming
support to the heavy emphasis on the intensive
teaching of phonics that private sector organizations
usually give in their instruction to reading teachers.
This research fully substantiates their position
on this matter. On the other hand, the research
on phonics does not confirm the general practice
by departments of education to advise teachers
to teach phonics in an indirect, unsystematic,
incidental, and delayed manner, and to replace
the teaching of phonics with instruction on sight
words and context cues.
R.C., et al. (1985). Becoming a Nation of Readers:
The Report of The Commission on Reading. Washington,
DC: National Institute of Education, U.S. Department
of Education. "Classroom research shows that,
on the average, children who are taught phonics
get off to a better start in learning to read
than children who are not taught phonics. The
advantage is most apparent on tests of word identification,
though children in programs in which phonics gets
a heavy stress also do better on tests of sentence
and story comprehension, particularly in the early
grades" (p. 37). "The picture that emerges from
the research is that phonics facilitates word
identification and that fast, accurate word identification
is a necessary but not sufficient condition for
comprehension" (p. 37).
M. (1982). The Roots of Phonics. New York:
McGraw-Hill. "The simple fact is that, for those
who are learning to read and spell, phonics is
the inescapable essence of every word" (p. 2).
J. (1977). "Mechanisms for Pronouncing Printed
Words: Use and Acquisition," in D. LaBerge &
S.J. Samuels (Eds)., Basic Processes in Reading:
Perception and Comprehension. Hillsdale, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum. "Orthographic rules are
important in fluent reading. Their availability
is helpful in reading words out loud. Given this,
it is likely that they are just as helpful in
converting print into the kind of surface phonological
representation that seems useful when short-term
memory is required." "We have shown so far only
that he [the child] must learn [phonics rules]
eventually if he is to have a full battery of
reading skills" (p. 204). "Aside from such empirical
evidence, there are practical arguments for the
importance of [phonics] rules in early learning.
The most convincing of these is the fact that
the beginning reader who knows the rules can in
essence teach himself to read" (p. 205).
I.L. (1981). "Reading Problems and Instructional
Practices," in T.G. Waller & G .E. Mackinnon
(Eds.), Reading Research: Advances in Theory
and Practice, Volume 2. New York: Academic.
The independent conclusions of prominent research
are remarkably similar as they point out that
"(1) there is evidence that a code-emphasis approach
teaches the word recognition aspect of reading
more effectively, and (2)...there is no evidence
that it inhibits comprehension" (p. 74).
P.L. & Bradley L. (1985). Children's Reading
Problems. New York: Basil Blackwell.
Finds the research to say that "sensitivity to
the sounds in words plays an important part in
most children's success or failure in reading.
Any child's skill with sounds will play a significant
part in deciding whether he reads better or worse
than would be expected" (p. 153). Thus, "backward
readers are bad at dealing with the sounds imbedded
in speech" (p. 74).
R.C. & Drum, P.A. (1978). "Learning to Read:
Theory, Research and Practice," Curriculum
Inquiry, 8, 183-249. "We have examined
typical research put forward in support of the
'decoding but not comprehending' position, and
found it actually supports the opposite position."
"We have yet to encounter a student who could
decode fluently but failed to comprehend" (p.
J.S. (1967). Learning to Read: The Great Debate.
New York: McGraw-Hill. The phonics approach
(code-emphasis) "produces better results, at least
up to the point where sufficient evidence seems
to be available, the end of the third grade. The
results are better, not only in terms of the mechanical
aspects of literacy alone, as was once supposed,
but also in terms of the ultimate goals of reading
instruction-comprehension and even speed of reading"
(p. 307). "The research evidence from the classroom,
the clinic, and the laboratory is also stronger
now [1983] for a code-emphasis than it was in
1967" (p. 37, Second edition, 1983).
J. & Leong, C.K. (1982). Psychology of
Reading. New York: Macmillan. "The complimentary
findings suggest that facility in decoding and
extraction of word meaning are related. Less skilled
comprehenders are deficient or inefficient in
the utilization of decoding skills" (p. 313).
S. (1986). "Introduction to the Third Revised
Edition," in R.B. Spalding & W.T. Spalding,
The Writing Road to Reading. New York:
William Morrow. "Children can easily learn
isolated phonemes, and once they have learned
them, they can easily identify them in words.
Once they understand what they are supposed to
be listening for, they can readily categorize
a wide range of /p/ sounds as all being represented
by the same letter p. The research evidence on
this point is absolutely beyond dispute" (p. 12).
C.E. (1986). What Works: Research About Teaching
and Learning. Washington, DC: U.S. Department
of Education. "Recent research indicates
that, on the average, children who are taught
phonics get off to a better start in learning
to read than children who are not taught phonics"
(p. 21).
C.A. (1981). "Some Aspects of Language Perception
by Eye," in O.J .L. Tzeng & H. Singer (Eds.),
Perception of Print. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum. "Studies suggest that children do exploit
the spelling-to-sound route of access to the lexicon
in their reading" (p. 188). Research also verifies
that, "the sound system must be critically involved
in the reading process independently of level
of reading skill" (p. 184). Thus, "holistic association
of a written word to a spoken word would seem
to have little to recommend it" (p. 185). Studies
also show that "phonetic or phonological units
are normally involved in the procedures surrounding
the memory and comprehension of text" (p. 193).
P. & Seymour, D.Z. (1987). Word Recognition.
Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. "The research
indicates we cannot merely say that children should
learn phonics. To the contrary, the indications
are they must learn it if they are to recognize
words" (p. xii).
L. & Hughes, A. (1983). "Intensive Phonics
vs. Gradual Phonics in Beginning Reading: A Review,"
In L.M. Gentile; M.L. Kamil & J .S. Blanchard
(Eds.), Reading Research Revisited. Columbus,
OR: Charles E. Merrill. "Since the results
of this comprehensive and objective review of
rigorously controlled research indicate that a
gradual phonics approach is significantly less
effective than an intensive phonics approach in
beginning reading instruction, the authors recommend
that an intensive 'phonetic' approach be generally
accepted as one of the most essential components
of a good reading program" (p. 92).
J.T., et al. (1976). A Study of the Locus and
Nature of Reading Problems in the Elementary School.
Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Survey of "first grade studies illustrated that
skill-based instruction which emphasizes decoding
had an edge in efficiency over language-based
approaches" (p. 120). "Low achievers [in reading]
seem to be inferior to higher achievers on: decoding
accuracy, decoding speed" (p. 130). Accordingly,
"acquisition of proficient decoding represents
the major problem in early stages of reading"
(p. 117).
L. (1982). Orthography and Word Recognition
in Reading. New York: Academic. Studies
indicate, "that look-say methods lead to an early
acquisition of a small sight vocabulary and then
little progress beyond this" (p. 166).
C. (1981). Reading Retardation and Multi-Sensory
Teaching. London: Routledge & Kegan, Paul.
Research in the field suggests that "an application
of phonics enables a child to utilize this knowledge
by supplying a strategy for translating written
language into its spoken form. This allows new
words to be deciphered; self-instruction may take
place." Without phonics "each new word must be
learnt as a unique entity, greatly increasing
the load on memory" (p. 36). "An impairment in
accessing the lexicon via a phonological route
may provide an explanation for the retarded reader's
problem" (p. 169).
D.D. & Baumann, J.F. (1984). "Word Identification,"
in P.D. Pearson (Ed.), Handbook of Reading
Research. New York: Longman. The research
indicates that, "programs emphasizing early, reasonably
intensive phonics instruction produce readers
who are more proficient at word pronunciation
than programs emphasizing meaning." "The message
is clear: if you want to improve word-identification
ability, teach phonics" (p. 594).
A.F. & Share, D.L. (1983). "An Invited Article:
Phonological Recoding and Reading Acquisition,"
Applied Psycholinguistics, 4, 103-147.
"Our review of the available evidence leads us
to conclude that phonological recoding plays a
critical role in helping the child become a skilled
reader" (p. 137). "Phonological recoding
is vital to the acquisition of reading skill,
because it acts as a self-teaching mechanism which
enables the child to learn to identify words visually"
(p. 139). "The evidence from classroom and laboratory
research favours initial instructional programs
which emphasize the acquisition of the alphabetic
code" (p. 139). "We propose that such programs
give children a self-teaching mechanism which
permits them to decode new words independently"
(p. 138).
B.A. (1978). "Speech Processing During Reading,"
in A.M. Lesgold; J. W. Pellegrino; S.D. Fokkema
& R. Glaser (Eds), Cognitive Psychology
and Instruction. New York: Plenum. An
examination of the research indicates that "phonemic
representation is important in reading, largely
because it acts as a good memory representation
from which message comprehension can occur" (p.
127). "Speech recoding is useful when details
of the presented message must be held in memory
to complete a comprehension task . . . or when
memory for detail is required" (p. 143).
I. Y. & Shankweiler, D. (1985). "Phonology
and Problems of Learning to Read and Write," Remedial
and Special Education, 6, 8-17. The
research suggests that "difficulties in the phonological
domain are sufficient to cause problems in sentence
understanding" since phonics ability helps the
reader "retain the words in the sentence and their
order, briefly, while the information is processed
through the several levels from sound to meaning"
(p. 18).
D.W. (1974). "Primary and Secondary Recognition
in Reading," in D.W. Massaro (Ed.), Understanding
Language. New York: Academic. Models of reading
that propose that the reader can go from visual
features directly to meaning "simply do not have
the machinery to describe what is known about
reading" (p. 278). "We are not aware of any support
for the notion that a phrase can be recognized
before any of its component words" (p. 276).
D. (1985). When Children Don't Learn. New
York: Basic Books. Finds that research indicates
that, "phonemic decoding and encoding is the central
problem in the mastery of any phonetic writing
system" (p. 58). "A system based on phonetic and
orthographic rules is far more efficient than
memorizing each word separately" (pp. 58-59).
E. (1981). A Study of Dyslexic Weaknesses and
the Consequences for Teaching," in G.T. Pavlidis
& T.R. Miles (Eds.), Dyslexia Research
and its Applications. New York: John Wiley.
Research with the dyslexic child suggests that
"the risk [from teaching phonics] that he will
be merely 'barking at print'-that is, reading
accurately without understanding is minimal since
typically he is a child of good comprehension
but inaccurate word attack. If, therefore, he
is reading without understanding it is probably
because the phonic difficulties of that particular
text are so great that he cannot consider the
meaning as well as make the right sounds" (p.
H.L. (1982). The Complete Handbook of Children's
Reading Disorders, Volume 1. New York: Human
Science. Agrees that the research says that "teachers
who used a method that the new anti-phonics movement
would recommend found that the pupils they so
instructed developed significantly less ability
in reading than pupils of teachers who gave early,
intensive phonics to their beginning readers"
(p. 122).
Advisory Council on Adult Education. (1986). Illiteracy
in America: Extent, Causes, and Suggested Solutions.
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
"Since 1911, a total of 124 studies have compared
the look-say/eclectic approach with phonics-first
programs. Not one found look-say superior." "These
major reviews. . . 124 in all-revealed the superiority
of the phonics method" (p. 23).
C.A. (1985). Reading Ability. New York:
Oxford University. Concludes that the research
says that, "learning to read is learning associations
between print stimuli and oral language responses"
(p. 216). "In learning to read an alphabetic language,
a major factor is the abstractness of the phonemes
onto which letters are to be mapped" (p. 230).
"Successful readers . . . advance, with practice
at reading, to a stage of facility that is characterized
by speeded word processes." This "word-processing
efficiency leads to better comprehension, rather
than being a byproduct of comprehension" (p. 231).
L.B. (1979). Theories and prescriptions for early
reading instruction. In L.B. Resnick & P .A.
Weaver (Eds.), Theory and Practice of Early
Reading, Volume 2. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum. "The review of field research in reading
has suggested an advantage for code-oriented teaching
roughly through the primary school years." "We
need to include systematic, code-oriented instruction
in the primary grades, no matter what else is
also done." "The charge-that too early or too
much emphasis on the code depresses comprehension
finds no support in the empirical data" (p. 329).
"Empirical evidence appears to support the code-first
position. Initial emphasis on the code in a direct
instruction program produces initial advantages
and no long-term disadvantages" (p. 333).
S.J. & Schachter, S.W. (1978). Controversial
issues in beginning reading instruction: Meaning
versus subskill emphasis. In S. Pflaum-Connor
(Ed.), Aspects of Reading Education. Berkeley,
CA: McCutchan. Research indicates that, "one important
prerequisite is the development of decoding skills.
These skills must be brought beyond the level
of mere accuracy to the level of automaticity.
When these skills become automatic, the student
is able to decode the printed symbols without
the aid of attention, thereby freeing attention
for the all-important task of processing meaning"
(p. 60).
K.E. (1982). Word recognition skill and reading
ability. In M.H. Singer (Ed.), Competent Reader,
Disabled Reader: Research and Application.
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. "The bulk of
the research evidence suggests that word recognition
ability represents a causal factor in the development
of reading skill" (p. 86). "Most children with
reading difficulties have problems decoding words"
(p. 87). Experimental results "indicate that skilled
readers, but not unskilled readers exploit a phonological
code" (p. 88). "There is a strong relationship
between word recognition speed and reading ability,
particularly in early grades" (p. 83). So, "in
order to get started, to begin to attain the levels
of practice that make fluent reading possible,
the child must engage in an effort to break the
spelling-to-sound code" (p. 90). That is, the
"evidence suggests that phoneme segmentation skill
is a prerequisite or facilitator of reading ability"
(p. 92).
P. (Ed.). (1978). Research Within Reach: A
Research-guided Response to Concerns of Reading
Educators. Washington, DC: U.S. Department
of Health, Education and Welfare. "We suggest
that decoding be a primary objective of early
reading instruction" (p. 59). "We recommend for
teaching purposes that reading be viewed as a
set of subskills that can be taught and integrated"
(p. 7). "Research has demonstrated the importance
of word recognition skill for overall reading
performance" (p. 19). It shows that "there are
some skills that seem very important for learning
to read." Among those are "being able to
manipulate phonemes in words and understanding
the conventions of printed language" (p. 32).
The research "results tend to favor early and
systematic code instruction over a whole word
approach" (p. 65). "Consequently, we recommend
that expert and automatic decoding be a primary
goal of early grades reading instruction" (p.
J. (1979). The ABC's of reading:
A program for the learning disabled. In
L. B. Resnick & P. A. Weaver (Eds.), Theory
and Practice of Early Reading, Volume 3.
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. "More
and more studies have corroborated this point
of view": an "instructional program which
develops word analysis skills to a high level
of proficiency shows some transfer of these skills
to the reading task." Thus, "it is clear that
progress in beginning reading is related to proficiency
in those auditory skills that can be identified
as components of the decoding process" (p. 183).